Ghoster and Friends June 2023 Devlog

What's that? It's time for another devlog!?!?!?!?

concept art for game thumbnail

Like I mentioned last time, I finally got a new iPad! Meaning I've finally been able to continue drawing art for the game, even if most of them are just rough sketches so far.

Here, let me show you all the new Ghoster sprites!

what? i said i'd show you all the new ghoster sprites

Speaking of sprites, I've started actually adding them into the game and figuring out placements, including textbox sprites!

(except the project i used to test the sprite sizes has a bigger resolution than the actual game so all of the sprites are too big so i'm gonna have to resize them all oops)

As for the music, it's almost done. Usually I have a habit where if I need new music for a new scene I’ve just written, I'll just make the music straight away. I just have a few more songs to make for the most recent new scenes.

Here, let me show you Caterpillar's new theme!

Finally, the most important news... The rough script for the game? Yeah. Well. It turns out...


All the endings have been written out, and now I just need to go back and check typos  and such. I have to admit, for me writing the script has probably been the hardest part, but I'm really happy with how it's turned out so far. 

Although I have to admit, I might not be making a demo after all. The game's only about an hour or two long and feels a little short to release a demo for. I can say with certainty though, that the game will release this year!

(or at the very least, early 2024. screenshot if this ages poorly i guess)

Now, about m o n e y.

I do plan on offering a paid option for the game. You'll be able to download and play the whole thing for free, but if you buy the game, you'll get the full soundtrack and art collection! (the soundtrack will also be avalible to buy separately) Still haven't figured out a price yet, but maybe around £5? It'll be easier to decide once the game is fully complete.

Aaaaand that's it for this devlog! See you soon...

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